I am not normal I like women
Autor: Ovidiu Radulescu  |  Album: WorldWatchDaily on-line magazi  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 16/12/2005
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I am not normal: I like women

I would like to apologize: please, forgive my wrong behavior. I should be ashamedw and I must to confess: I like women and I am in love with one. In fact, I even marry her. I know, I do the wrong, I am an old-fashioned person and I deserve to be under your sharp criticism. What is worse, in my ignorance and against this society’s homosexual obsession, I enjoy her company. I love the way she talks with me, I feel real pleasure in touching her, and I am thrilled by her eyes. In my “madness”, totally against the modern rules, I sleep with her only, night after night. And not a single time I thought that kissing a man on the lips would be cool.
Please, hit me, slap my face: I deserve it! I am abnormal I think, and I should consult a physician or a good psychologist, because:
- Women only attract me,
- I married one,
- I become father, naturally, without any clone or genetic stuff aid,
- I still believe in Christian family values that made this country the great country on the world…
Hello, wake up! What is the matter with you, family-wives, husbands, and singles shopping around for a future happy family? I mean you are A and B parents, explaining our children why the potassium and sodium balance is so important for human homeostasis in order to convince them to give up drinking Coke. But in the same time, we failed to stop the cancer which is the erosion of family values in today’s America society. Homosexuals and lesbians are now speaking very loud demanding everything they want: special protection, specials rights, legal families and benefits, kids in their custody. And their number increase rapidly, from less than 1 % in 1970 to millions right now, an important segment of the US population, according to a Gallup poll. And this segment it will influence the elections much more that the Communism ghost did it in the past.
- The first blow came on June 10, 2003 when three imperious judges on the Canadian Supreme Court declared the exclusivity of marriage between one man and one woman to be unconstitutional.
- On July 28, the New York Board of Education announced the creation of a gay-oriented high school in New York City, because, in the words of Mayor Michael Bloomberg, “. . . everybody feels that it’s a good idea.” Everybody? Not me!
- On August 4, the United Nations began considering a proposal that would support “same-sex marriage” in countries around the world. Exporting freedom it is one think but exporting gay issue is disastrous. Should be any wonder if the Muslim world see us as the great Satan.
- On August 5, the United Episcopal Church ordained its first gay bishop. He divorced of his wife, abandoned his kids, and for this he was "punished", I mean promoted as the leader of a large and rich Christian church.
- On November 15, Massachusetts Supreme Court ruled on a gay marriage case brought forth by seven same-sex couples who tried to obtain marriage licenses in that state. Now we don’t know what FAMILY means, or how much the America of twenty years from now it will pay for this madness.

This sustaining attack against family came from three different directions: courts, liberal churches and media. For example, Bravo’s new makeover show, “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy,” features a team of five gay men who promise to “transform a style-deficient and culture-deprived straight man from drab to fab.” ABC will roll out its own gay sitcom on network television called, “It’s All Relative.” All relative?
But astonishing truth is this: most gays and lesbians do not want to marry each other. This would entangle them in all sorts of legal constraints. Who needs a lifetime commitment to one person? Boring. The intention here is to destroy marriage altogether. With marriage as we know, being gone, everyone would enjoy all the legal benefits of marriage (custody rights, tax-free inheritance, joint ownership of property, health care and spousal citizenship, etc.,) without limiting the number of partners or their gender. Or perhaps legal marriage between a human and an animal… Love is blind, isn’t it? What we will do if somebody falls in love with his cat or horse? To avoid the sin of adultery, we will all advice the lovers to marry! “And now, I will pronounce you husband and whatever… “ Romeo and Juliet the Kitty Cat…
I mean it is not a problem if those people, homosexuals and lesbians, live quietly in their homes and their private clubs; it is a free country, and I am proud that I can live here. But the homosexual and lesbian circles force our will, enter in our families redefining this blessed institution for the rest of us, fool the educators and the kids in our schools with the slogan: “it is everybody business”. Well, my seven years daughter was hypnotized noticing a kiss on the lips between two gays in front of Dillard’s, in Little Rock. I turned to my daughter: Husband and wife, let’s go my little sugar! I catch a strange light in her eyes: Here is something! Do you think she will forget? I mean there is a huge noise in mass media around this and don’t you think that will affect us and our kids? Certainly. We already struggled with the divorce rate and single parent issue and now it is another hit. The Family as an institution will be ruined if we cannot dare to fight. Clones will replace humans – a nightmare.
Action, we need action. You don’t dare to challenge at wall those who “scientifically” full us saying that those pervert are born like that, genetically stuff? That it will be ultimately God’s responsibility? And the woman said: The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat (Genesis 3,13) So you God, are the one who made the serpent, and now look what it did it!
Do you think that it is not our business? That we, the old-fashioned Christians, should not dare to speak up challenging this madness? Do you mean that I suffered in Romania, under the communists, for my faith, being under permanent stress, beaten by them and labeled as “narrow-mind, capitalistic cult follower, idiotic Bible believer” and other similar atheistic and communist weapons … only to find that here, in my dream land, my new country, United State, I am labeled “narrow-mind, old fashioned Christian and intolerant at this new morality stuff”? How is this possible? Unless this is the beginning of Revelation 13:11 - The Dragon-Lamb superpower. May Lord help us!
Hahaha. You ARE narrow-minded, old-fashioned, anti-Christ and intolerant. Christ was not Christian, you know. He was not a follower; he was a great man, unlike you. I am not a follower either. I love Christ and believe his followers need to take control of themselves instead of following him. "Lord" can't help you. Only you can. Only you can be aware of yourself, only you can be aware of your thoughts; and only through awareness can anything be controlled. How can you say you are under "permanent stress" because of us? You are the one stressing yourself; only you can do that. And I de-stress myself by being strong, but not giving in to your fear, your anger, your hatred, and the cause of all those - discrimination. Why do you think you are different from me? Why do you think my loving another woman is any less worthy of respect than your fear and hatred of me? You know what? I love you, because I was once afraid of myself, and you are made of the same essence that I am: flesh and bone and a mind that needs great healing.
Adăugat în 01/01/2008
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